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[Webmasters] Simple Ways On How to Make Facebook Bot Like Plus Comment Website

[Webmasters] Simple Ways On How to Make Facebook Bot Like Plus Comment Website

Hello guys! Welcome to another 360GpTech  tutorial.

Today, we're gonna be teaching you guys Simple And Cool Ways On How to Make Facebook Bot Like Plus Comment Website.

Lets roll!!!!

First of all you need a hosting to upload files, in which we recommend FreeHost78.Com for you.

After which when you're done with that:
- Extract files from our ZIP file
- Edit index,p h p and value,p h p
- Upload it on your website
- Set cron-job for value,p h p from Cron-Job.Org

Finally, you're done!!! 

Congratulations! Your Bot Comment Website is Ready.

If you come across any challenge(s) while trying this tutorial, kindly make use of the comment box below, we'll reply you instantly.

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