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How To Prevent Your Online Business From Being Hacked By Hackers

How To Prevent Your Online Business From Being Hacked By Hackers

Hello viewers of    36OGPTECH, I know this tutorial will be of a great help to many people especially for those that deals with internet activities.
As tittled above "How To Prevent Your Online Business From Being Hacked By Hackers" is this possible?

The anwser to that question is yes, Irrespective of how you hold your security tight and secured.
There are many hackers out there aiming to hack unsecure online business. But,when your business is secured, their trials won't avail.

           Here are some features that will guides you on how to prevent your business from hackers bellow:

- Admin Pages Should Be Hidden 
This features will guide you on how to hold admin pages tight and secure.
The last thing a business will ever want is for their admin pages to be indexed by Google Search. Unless you deliberately want hackers to lay waste to your organization, this is one of the worst steps that can be taken, although it is unintentional in most cases. However, this can be avoided by hiding any and all admin pages with the help of robots_txt file, which will essentially prevent search engines from indexing these pages. If an admin page is not available on a search engine, the chances of it being accessed by an outsider, let alone become a target of a hacker are next to none.Thats one of the feature. 

Restrict File Uploads
File uploads are also one of the features that causes havoc for businesses no matter how secure their system is, and how thoroughly they scan them. One wrong move and a bug can be used by hackers to get access to all your company's information. This can be avoided entirely by restricting file uploads. Simply put, not everyone should be given access. Additionally, any and all uploads being made need to be kept separate from the root directory, which can be accessed at any time using a script

- Use A VPN
Many business holders do not even know what the function of VPN(VIRTUAL PRIVATE NETWORK) .
As surprising as it may seem, a VPN has a lot more to it than meets the eye. In fact, it can be a hacker's worst nightmare, if used correctly. VPNs offer great value to organizations that wish to protect their own data as well as their customer's. Apart from encrypting any and all communication that takes place within an organization, and its interactions outside, a Business VPN like PureVPN can prevent hackers, cyber criminals, and third-party agencies from tracking and monitoring your online activities.

Make The Best Of SSL
When it comes to transferring users' information between your website and database, it is imperative that an encrypted SSL protocol is used. What this essentially does is that it will prevent the transmitted data from being interrupted or accessed during transit.

Install The Best Web Application Firewall
It is important to note that web application firewall (WAF) can be both, hardware or software based. A web application firewall serves as a defense against cyber criminals and sits between a website server and the data connection. The firewall is tasked with reading all data that passes through it, as it blocks hacking attempts by filtering out unwanted traffic. Taking this into account, it is important for a business to find the best WAF, which is only possible by doing their homework beforehand.
    The above features will helps you to improve in guilding your business to prevent your business from hackers.

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